So let me back track a bit now that I've posted an entry on some of the things we've been up to since the program started.
I was working out in San Diego, which is where I grew up, before I moved out to the Boston area. I went to UCLA for undergrad where I studied Electrical Engineering. I had plans to go to grad school to receive my MEng in EE at Cornell after undergrad, but I decided to take the industry route instead. Since graduation, I've worked at two different aersopace companies in various engineering roles. Soon after I started working, I began to discover how little I knew about the business/program side of things. I still wanted to further my studies in engineering, but learning about business was sounding more and more appealing to me as well. I was debating between engineering and business schools for a while until I found out that business/engineering dual degree programs existed. After doing my research on the programs out there, I found that LGO was easily one of my top choices. By then I had already starting taking a few business courses part-time at local community colleges to make sure that an MBA was something I really wanted to pursue as well. I took the GMATs (I had taken the GREs my 4th year of undergrad but wanted to apply to LGO through Sloan. Note: I am not a naturally strong test-taker, so it took me 3 (!!!) attempts at the GMATs before I was happy with my score), applied, got in, and happily accepted my offer!
Although working in aerospace provided me with great work/life experience, I came to LGO hoping to explore potential opportunities in product management, specifically in consumer technology -- a career path that seems like it might be a better fit for me. I also came into the program knowing that I'd be exposed to so many new ideas that, although my initial course of action will still be focused towards product management, I'm open to other opportunities that may come my way as well.
For my EE coursework, I'm planning to take classes in digital, image, and audio signal processing, which were the topics I was most interested in towards the end of my time at UCLA. For my Sloan electives, I'm planning to primarily focus on marketing. I'm interested in connecting products to their end customers and am hoping that a more technical background will alleviate some of the disconnect that seems to arise between the varied perspectives of those in engineering and marketing. More to come on current courses and courses I plan to take in the fall in a later blog; for now, I should get back to preparing for a case we're going to go over in class tomorrow.
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